
Where is Bamper made?
Jun 09, 2021
When launching Bamper, the team looked at all viable manufacturing options and it was important to find a solution with the lowest possible environmental impact. Read more for the reasons why we ended up manufacturing Bamper in China.
Reduce Your Food Waste
Aug 27, 2020
The global food waste is an enormous issue, with more than $1,000 worth of fresh produce being thrown away by the average Australian household every year.
Remember Your Reusable Coffee Cup
Aug 27, 2020
It’s estimated that Australians use 1 billion disposable coffee cups per year – that’s roughly...
Fridge Organisation – Reduce Waste and Save Money!
Aug 27, 2020
When it comes to fridge organisation, doing it right can save money and significantly reduce food waste in your household.
Food Wastage Facts
Aug 27, 2020
Food wastage is a huge issue and we are passionate about making a difference, by providing products that enhance the choices people can make to waste less.