Zip Lock Bags

SugarWrap Eco Zipper Bags - Sandwich
Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 9 reviews
SugarWrap Eco Zipper Bags - Large
Rated 4.8 out of 5
Based on 5 reviews

Whether you make sandwiches and snacks every day, you will need an easy way to bring them with you on the go, or if you want to save your leftovers in the fridge after a big cooking night, there’s no denying that zip lock bags are super convenient, space-saving and easy to reach. The biggest issue many people find on their sustainability journey is that most zip lock bags consist of petrol plastic that eventually ends up in landfill even after reusing them multiple times. These toxic plastics are one of the contributions to creating more waste that’s harmful to our environment.

There is a solution! Urban Ethos has developed SugarWrap, a brand that creates environmentally friendly zip lock bags made of sugarcane derived bio-plastic. Not only are these zip lock bags just as convenient as their predecessors in that they are microwavable, freezable and durable - the quality is second to none. They are 100% sustainable, renewable and carbon positive. You can still have the convenience of using zip lock bags for everyday life, without having any impact on our environment. Coming in multiple sizes to match your needs, these are the perfect eco swap for your home, helping you meet your sustainability goals - keeping our planet happy and your home healthy.